Blog 10: tu experiencia de blog.

When I started the English classes I felt a lot of anxiety, the truth is that it makes me uncomfortable to speak another language in public or to be questioned in the middle of the class. Fortunately, the experience of learning English at the university was not so traumatic; on the contrary, during the three semesters I felt quite comfortable doing the activities. As for the blogs, I think they are a good activity to expand our vocabulary and practice the verb tenses. Besides, it is much more didactic and entertaining, better than filling in a guide.

My academic background is lousy, English was always a bunch I spent learning things by heart and I thought that was enough, clearly I was wrong. On the other hand, I never listened to music in English, at most the classics, but it was strange to have songs in English in my playlist. I also didn't watch series or movies in a second language, as you can see there wasn't much interest on my part. In this sense, I think I must better absolutely everything haha, for that I'm watching series in English with the subtitles and then without them, if someone wants to recommend me a series do it in the comments jijj. I also changed the language of my phone and I try to listen more music that is not in Spanish to get familiar with other languages.

Outside of class I do not use English, although I am watching shows and listening to more music, I have not written or interacted with anyone using a second language. This made me think a few days ago that I could download an application in which you can talk to people from different countries, maybe that would help a lot. I was also recommended to read (something not so dense) in English, like a news item or a magazine, which I was told is a great help in expanding my vocabulary. Anyway, I hope all this will help me learn and be good enough in English.


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