Post 3: The most embarrassing thing i'm willing to admit.

I think most people who know me know that I'm unlucky, because unfortunate things always happen to me that make me want to disappear. One of the most embarrassing events that happened to me was a fall on my back at school. It was a winter day and it had rained a lot, so the hallways were extremely slippery. When I went out to recess, one of my friends told me that she was talking to a boy who was a year older and found her pretty. After I saw him, I ran back to my classroom and fell to the floor on my back, there were so many people laughing around me. On top of that, after getting up and going to the bathroom, I heard some girls talking about a person who had fallen hahaha, obviously I laughed along with them. This was not my only fall, when I was 15 years old I played rugby with my classmates in the school field, I love this sport, but my legs did not accompany me. When I was in the middle of the field, running, without anyone pushing me, I fell to the ground on my knees. I think I had tried too hard.

Yeta nivel ''Yuyin'': Repasamos los peores momentos del personaje ...


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